Whether you are seeking counselling, therapy or mindfulness training, below are five qualities which I believe will be at the core of our work together, if you choose to work with me.









For me counselling, therapy or mindfulness training, ultimately, is about two (or more) human beings sitting together. It is about our ability to connect with one another without the fear of being judged. (Let’s leave this to the outside world for now…). In our work together,  I will meet you with empathy, authenticity and compassion; and the belief that as human beings we are all imperfect and vulnerable.



I believe compassion to be at the heart of my life and work. Because we are imperfect human beings, we will make mistakes. Because we live a human life we will experience difficult emotions such as resentment, regret, hopelessness or fear. But this doesn’t mean that we have to become our own worst enemy. Compassion is our innate ability to treat ourselves and others with kindness, understanding, encouragement and forgiveness. It is the antidote to self-hatred and shame which plague so many of us. In our work together, my role is to help you develop greater compassion for yourself and others whilst taking responsibility for what you do and what you need.



Albert Einstein once said that “Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results”. Whilst I would not use the word “insanity”, my experience tells me that we start to seek help when what we do is no longer working and we feel stuck. My role therefore, will be to help you “think outside the box” and develop an attitude of friendly curiosity towards yourself so that you can find new perspectives and possibilities.



Whether it is about making that first contact, exploring your own vulnerabilities, or making changes in your life, counselling, therapy or mindfulness training often requires courage. Whenever you feel ready, I will be there to support you.



I have confidence in you! Whilst I bring my own expertise, I believe that you do too -  the expertise of your own life and what it is like to be you (i.e. your thoughts, feelings and experiences) . As such I will not be able to tell you what to do, neither will I analyse you or give you advice. Instead I will bring my listening skills, experience and therapeutic understanding to help you find your own answers.